Written By: Lauren Pearson
Image Credit: https://burke.weill.cornell.edu/future-talent/training-program/introduction-neuroscience
After mindlessly scrolling on social media back in January, I came across a post publicizing a pre-college neuroscience course held by the Burke Neurological Insitute. The course was entitled "Introduction to Neuroscience" and claimed to solely focus on the implications of the mammalian nervous system both from the standpoint of sensory processing, learning, functioning and memory.
As a 17-year-old and self-proclaimed neuroscience enthusiast, I decided to apply to be a part of the winter program (which started at the beginning of February). The application process was quite simple, although the $500 price tag was a bit of a problem. However, they offered the opportunity to write an essay for a scholarship award, so due to this I tried and submitted one.
To my surprise, I was awarded with a $250 scholarship for the program.
The course is led by faculty mentors Dianna E. Wilis Ph.D. and Vibhu Sahni Ph.D. and we (participating students) meet twice a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays). In my honest opinion, I am absolutely loving this course so far, I feel as if these world-class professors treat us (the participants) as if we are fellow neuroscientists and not just some high schoolers. The Excalibur knowledge that I have been exposed through by participating in this program is incredible and it only keeps expanding.
I decided to keep track of my participation and knowledge in these subjects through writing blog recaps of the sessions.