King Lear Poster Analysis
How does this connect with the Shakespearean text of King Lear?
King lear possesses enormous amounts of power throughout his reign associated with being the King of London, however, his questionable remarks regarding his moral intentions behind his actions spark a bigger controversy in terms of just how power and morality truly relate to each other.
Is power a social construct or just the ability for people to perceive you in a superior form?
As King Lear is not necessarily the noblest leader, he still has a massive following. You could almost compare this to Donald Trump as he doesn’t have the characteristics that a natural-born leader would possess, but he does have the societal outpour of support.
Lauren is an 18-year-old STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) enthusiast, with a special liking for the field of neuroscience. During this past quadmester, she had the privilege to be a part of Mr. Cohen's ENG4U class in which she has developed this website as a culmination of her literary works. In the future, Lauren hopes to continue writing preferably in medical journals as she wants to pursue a career in neurosurgery. She got interested in neurosurgery through participating in the BRAINterns program offered by Lenox Hill Neurosurgery. In addition to this, Lauren is also a self-published author. She intends to publish another book in the future!
Be sure to check back in 10 years and who knows maybe Lauren will write a book about my experience being a neurosurgeon with ADHD and autism!
ISP: The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood’s historically accurate allegory in the Handmaid’s Tale encompasses the common misogynist ideology through her introspective and non-chronological writing style.
In this presentation, I explored the concept of feminism represented in Margret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale". She often referenced past historical events and used them as inspiration to create "The Handmaid's Tale". She tends to focus her work alongside political regimes as she emphasizes the usage of a dystopian society.